Berichte über zwei Projekte der Projekttage am 15./16.6.23

Parkour and Freerunning
My project was “Parkour and Freerunning“.
I chose it because I saw crazy videos on YouTube where a group of freerunners jumped at cool spots in London. It looks quite cool. Our project teachers were Mr. Brandt and Mrs. Fohr. My friends Mike Ben and Lennox were also in my group. We met in the gym in hall one.
At the beginning we talked to Mr. Brandt why we chose this project and what we want to do. After this Mr. Brandt taught us how to unroll from a small box. Then we unrolled from a 1.2-meter-high box. After jumping from boxes for 90 minutes we made a long break. Then we learned different arts of jumping over boxes. My favorite art is dash where you first jump with the feet over a box. The rest oft the day we were allowed to to set up the boxes as we wanted and trained our skills. The highlight was to do a Wall-Flip with the help of Mr. Brandt but I didn’t do it because this trick is very hard.
On the day we builded our own parkour lines. We made Front-Flips and handstand 180 from high boxes Mike; Lennox and I also jumped a “Cong 360 “over a box. Then we went with Mr. Brandt too the “Schnitzelgrube”, a pit filled with foam chips to prevent sport accidents. There we did a Wall-Flip. That means you jump on a wall and do backflip. And I did it. This was an amazing feeling.
Then we filmed us while jumping the different parkour lines. After this we watched video clips of famous street runners. The tricks they did were just crazy. At the end we went back to the “Schnitzelgrube” and jumped in with some fronflips.
All in all the two days were fantastic and I would be really cool to make a project week with the option to choose Parkour and Freerunning.
Finn GEnsmann (8d)
This week was special because we celebrated the 50th birthday of our school. On Monday and Thursday we had “Projekttage” and on Wednesday we did a boat trip to Boppard and had a picknick in front of the castle in Koblenz.
My choice was the project “Wachstücher”, these are cloths made of cotton or linen with bee wax which were used (in the past) for goods packaging.
It’s a good option to save cling film or other plastic packaging materials because these materials are not good for the environment, and it is difficult to recycle them.
In the first part of our project we introduced ourselves to each other. Then we talked about why we chose “Wachstücher”. After that we talked about why plastic, metal or other waste is not good for the environment. Mister Körber told us to take pictures of plastic or other waste, categorize it in groups and present them in front of the class. We found a lot of waste at the parking space like sweet wrappers and in front of the gym we found many cigarettes butts. After presenting we had a little break. In the last part of the first project day, we talked a lot about recycling. At the end Mister Körber told us that he would like to have breakfast together the next day. After the school I walk to our Rewe supermarket and bought butter and cheese for the breakfast ... the first day was over.
The second day started like the first day and I went the art room E28. My group, the teachers and I prepared breakfast. It was delicious. After that we had to clean the plates and tidied up the table then we talked a lot about how to make Wachstücher and how to use Wachstücher. Then we start making them. We crushed the wax into small pieces and melted them in a water bath. We cut the cotton pieces into a rectangle to fit a sandwich. After that we coated the cloths with wax. Than we heated it with an iron. In the end we only had to let the cloths dry. Then I made a second wax cloth. At the end we cleaned the room from wax remains and tidied the room up.
Luca Gensmann (8d)